

Estafette CI installation is always done using the Helm chart. This also has consequences for how you can contribute and test your changes. And finally how new versions are released.


The following components are used from the subcharts of the estafette-ci chart. Together they form the Estafette CI platform.

estafette-ciUmbrella Helm chart to install all of the following resources
estafette-ci-apiAPI to handle web component requests, github/bitbucket webhooks, spawn pipeline jobs, etc
estafette-ci-webWeb user interface to see pipeline builds, releases, logs and trigger manual releases
estafette-ci-db-migratorPerforms database schema migrations
estafette-ci-cron-event-senderProvides a cron event in order to be able to start pipelines with cron triggers
estafette-ci-hanging-job-cleanerCancels hanging jobs, removes orphaned Kubernetes resources related to builds and releases

When making changes to any of the components references from the subcharts of estafette-ci you can test them in 2 ways:

Override the image tag in the Helm values

Let's say you creating a new build of the estafette-ci-api component. Once it's built succesfully the commit will be tagged with the version number also used for the Docker container. See and

Now if you want to test this with an estafette-ci installation you are already running you can set the following values to start using this particular Docker container:

    tag: '<version number to test>'

Applying the changes will have your setup start using this particular version of said component.

Update the subchart version and build the estafette-ci Helm chart

One step further, but with more automated testing to check whether all components get installed correctly you can update the subchart version.

For the estafette-ci-api component you would update the subchart version at to

version: '<version number to test>'

If you commit and push your changes it will do a complete build and tag the repository with the correct build version number, as can be seen at

You can now install this version of the estafette-ci chart to test out your changes.


When you following the second method of testing changes by updating the version in the subchart for that component, you'll have to do the following to create a new release:

  • Create one or multiple issues at and link them to a milestone with the next version number up for release. You can see the previous milestones/releases at or When creating an issue also set an assignee.
  • After having tested and verified all to be resolved issues close each of the issues that are going into the next release
  • Create a release branch with the version number of the next milestone/release (for example 1.0.29) by running git checkout -b 1.0.29 and push with git push origin 1.0.29
  • Once this has been built succesfully with the version number being equal to the release branch and the milestone (so no -main-*** suffix) you can release the build to the release release target in the pipeline. This will create the Github release with all the closed issues in the release notes. And it will purge any prior pre-release Helm chart versions. If you're an external contributor ask one of the maintainers to create the release for you.
  • To be ready for a next release it's good to bump the version number in .estafette.yaml immediately. Do this by switching to the main branch with git checkout main, updating the version in the .estafette.yaml manifest as shown below. And then commit and push with git commit -am "bump version to 1.0.30" && git push.
    major: 1
    minor: 0
    patch: 30
    labelTemplate: '{{branch}}-{{auto}}'
    releaseBranch: 1.0.30